BYSST Music is constantly working to ensure that our users are only uploading content they have 100% rights to. If someone has uploaded your music/photos/artwork to BYSST Music without your permission, please reach out to us at, with a link to the release, and we’ll get you in touch with our Claims Department.
If you have received a DMCA Takedown notice from BYSST Music and would like to provide a counterclaim to the initial takedown notice, you can submit your counterclaim to or you can fill this form.
If someone has uploaded your intellectual property using a service other than BYSST Music, that’s unfortunately not something that we can help with. However, you can reach out to each streaming service with a DMCA takedown request. You might need to Google around for each service’s process regarding a DMCA Takedown, but here are several links to processes that we’re aware of:
- Spotify:
- iTunes/Apple Music:
- YouTube/Google Play:
- Anghami: reach out to with your request, and the team at Anghami will get back to you